We Can’t Go Back To a Pre-9/ 11 State Of Mind on Foreign Security

Nov. 23, 2023 12:09 pm ET

The U.S. deals with dangers from every corner of the world. Chinese-made fentanyl and its chemical precursors put through the southern border, and the Communist Celebration alarms in the Indo-Pacific. Iran’s terrorist proxies, consisting of Hamas and Hezbollah, fire on American allies and soldiers in the Mideast. North Korea checks ballistic rockets. Russia continues to wage war in Ukraine. Each of them threatens Americans in your home to boot.

America’s security depends upon our capability to comprehend and react to these dangers. Yet Area 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Security Act, or FISA, the main approach for collecting intel versus such dangers, ends Dec. 31. Letting it lapse over lost issues about Americans’ personal privacy would be an outright error.

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